Sex Crimes
Colorado has some of the harshest penalties for convicted sex offenders in the nation. Along with indeterminate probation and prison sentences, you will be required to register as a sex offender, undergo sex offender treatment, and live with the stigma associated with being a sex offender.
It is to your advantage to hire a female attorney for a sex crimes case because women understand how and why other women may fabricate these types of allegations.
[By hiring a female attorney] with extensive experience handling sexual assault cases to represent you and help you navigate through the complicated laws involving sexual crimes.
If you have been charged with a sex crime, such as Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault on a Child, Child Pornography or Indecent Exposure, you need to call Dana Casper to provide you with the expert legal defense you deserve.
If you have been accused or charged with a sex crime, contact Dana to help craft a robust legal defense.
Willing to Listen
I listen to my client’s needs
I look at all angles and find a way to defend your case
Knowledge of the Law
I will use our expertise to best represent you